1 Year Anniversary

July 27, 2019 arguably one of the best days of my life. I married by best friend. Now, I understand many people say that -- and of course I crave 'girls night' from time-to-time, but Zach and I are truly one-of-a-kind couple in our own...

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zach bee habitat, hotel, sticks, stock, home, bee love

Open for BEEsiness!

My Hubby Made a Bee Motel! We are recent garden people. I love my herbs and Zach loves his weed pulling. When we bought our home just last year, we were fortunate enough to have two caged in areas -- A little aggressive to keep...

I rode an elephant– because I wanted to.

Life. Many live a life portrayed by society. Many live life based on comfort. Many live life by pushing the limits. The true sense of life for me, is that it is truly what you make of it. This past March I wanted to travel...

London Trip 2014

What a trip! or maybe WHAT A YEAR!! I'm one that believes in 'things happening for a reason' and this year was proof. A random trip to Cancun, Mexico in March had led Ben and I to meet some of the most fun, energetic, kind people...

Love IS in the air…

This wonderful year of 2014 - I have so graciously been invited to nine weddings - NEIN!? one might say in Germany, but my reaction was with a giant smile and a big hooray!  I was excited and still am, more to come, to share...

So I went on ‘Holiday’

Please view my new Holiday Video!  Lovoto can help you create an amazing memory video after your fun-filled vacation as well! Cancun Holiday 2014 from LOVOTO on Vimeo. Not only do I love taking care of your videos and photos, I also enjoy a nice holiday -...

Spotlight on Entrepreneurship: ME!

In case you missed it, Start Up Sioux City was kind enough to feature LOVOTO as Entrepreneur in the Spotlight! BUSINESS OWNER: Sara Gotch BUSINESS NAME: LOVOTO LLC MAIN PRODUCTS/SERVICES: Transitional Videos / Scanning developed photos / Creating digital scrapbooks YEAR STARTED: 2014 ADDRESS: 520 Nebraska Street STE 404 • Sioux City, IA • 51101 WEBSITE: www.lovoto.co SOCIAL: https://www.facebook.com/lovotollc VIDEO: LOVOTO...

Grand Opening!

The time has come that I officially open the doors, clink the glasses and celebrate! Lovoto is having its Grand Opening • Friday, February 28th 5-7pm • at its office location (520 Nebraska Street, 4th Floor, Sioux City, IA 51101)!  Throughout this process I have...


Lovoto is officially public and is planning its grand opening! I, Sara, would like to welcome you to Lovoto. It has been a longer process then expected, but I wanted to be sure I was ready to rock n roll in all the right ways....