I'm Sara, founder of Lovoto Creative Design. LOVOTO originally started out as a Digital Scrapbooking company, scanning all the photos scattered about through the years and brining them into the digital age. We still provide this service at a much smaller degree, but have transitioned it into everything creative.
I personally have always been a creative. I attended the University of South Dakota BFA Fine Arts; emphasis in Graphic Design with a minor in creative writing. I have worked at a well known agency in Sioux City, IA for 6 years gaining a great amount of client experience.
I didn't want LOVOTO to be an agency, or an advertising machine. To provide anything and everything, we have to be... well, anything and everything. I like to work with my hands, not just a computer. If you need a logo, we can help you with that. If you need a personalized painting of your dog, we can help you with that too. If you're wondering the question... please, just ask!
I hope you get creative with us!
Cheers! - sara g.